Ellet’s Gothic Looking Suspension Bridge
“Looking forward to the succession of ages, and even of years, it is beyond the foresight of human intellect to say what innumerable happy results would flow from the erection of a bridge over the Ohio at Wheeling on a permanent and useful plan, both to the Government of the Union, and to the People of this vast, enterprising, and happy republic.” – Charles Mercer, U.S. Congressman from Virginia, Committee on Roads and Canals, January 19, 1837.

When people think about Wheeling and its history, most will visualize the familiar towers of our beloved Suspension Bridge.

Spanning the Ohio River since 1849, the old bridge is iconic – its familiar shape gracing logos and trademarks developed by local businesses and institutions, including the logo of the Ohio County Public Library. It has become the favored symbol of our town, and arguably its most recognizable structure.
But had designer Charles Ellet Jr.’s earliest concept been used, the bridge would look radically different – far more Gothic in design. Read More