The Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling will soon be hosting a traveling exhibit of World War II artifacts courtesy of the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh. “We Can Do It! WWII: Traveling Exhibit” will visit the library from May 26 through July 24, 2018. The exhibit will include a small, local component.
If you own Wheeling or Upper Ohio Valley related World War II memorabilia, such as a soldier’s or nurse’s uniform, helmet, medals, or an item manufactured in Wheeling for the war effort, and you would be willing to loan the artifact(s) to the library for the exhibit, please contact us at or call 304-232-0244.

Please understand that space is extremely limited. We will not be able to display every item. We must, therefore, reserve the right to make the final determination as to what will be included. But if your item is not chosen for the physical display, you will have the option of allowing your artifact to be featured in an online, virtual photo album connected to the exhibit.
If you would like to submit your item for consideration, please send us a photo of the artifact(s) along with contact information by April 9, 2018. You may also contact us by mail: Ohio County Public Library, Attention: WWII Exhibit, 52-16 Street, Wheeling, WV 26003.
Click here to learn more about the Heinz History Center’s “We Can Do It! WWII: Traveling Exhibit.”